Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An inevitable inconvenience

Have you ever found yourself helping someone, doesn't matter what it is, and it seems like they don't really get at really what you are saying?  I need to give them a smack in the head and knock that common sense back in place. Imagine someone that got into the drug scene, small town, they have been through a lot of shit and the people they surround themselves with are not the greatest people. Now imagine them trying to get out of that lifestyle. Typically for one to do this, the best mode for change is to COMPLETELY dissociated themselves with whom they friended (influences), the environment, and get a positive point of view, strict enough to keep them inline. 

That is where I am at, my friend just does not heed my warning, it is their choice if they want to have a tag along, another social reject that did the drugs and now wants to come clean, but there are just somethings you have to do alone. The temptation of the old lifestyle increases that much more by having a physical and emotional reminder of what was. 

What can I really do? Nothing, but I do not offer my ear to just anyone, hell no. ARG, so much frustration and really there is nothing that I can really do about it, that is what makes me even more frustrated. I don't know about people these days, seems I have grown up and half them try to be grown up. Being an adult doesn't just mean that you pay bills, have a home, car, whatever, no it is a mental status. The ability to critically think choices in life, not be easily persuaded by environmental pressures, and the ability to take responsibility for one's actions and the initiative to change it for the better....

If the future doesn't exist then what is it?


  1. Sweetheart all you can do is give them the benefit of your own experience, it is up to them whether they wish to listen and wake the hell up. You have done your part as a friend who is concerned. But honestly hon you cannot hold their hand and lead them along the pathway to recovery. They have to sincerely WANT it down to the very core of their being, and WANT to take that scary first step. You and I both know that humans tend to stick with what they know, and stay in packs.

  2. I know it's a sad waste, but you cannot force them to take the correct measures. That would be taking away their free will, and could make matters worse.
