Sunday, February 13, 2011

More than a Feeling....

Ever get those days where you feel like all the mundane bullshit is not cutting it for some reason? Where you feel like you need or are going to do something great or meaningful but for some reason it just hasn't happened yet.  Maybe it is helping someone who fell in the street or perhaps giving someone food or a few bucks, and hell let's face you might think booze but they turn around and take that change and make a difference in the world.

There is no possible way to know what the future holds for us, but we (at least I do) get these vibes, feelings, not exactly premonitions but some kind of awareness that something great is going to happen. I wish it would just happen already.

Not that I am saying I am not happy with my life, of course it could be better but I make do with what I have and the decisions I have made. Something is going to happen and I can't describe it but it is powerful but at the same time I also feel like something negative is going to happen with it. No one is going to do die or anything like that, but something is going to put a damper on this event and really put it through trials.

The worst part of it is the waiting, the awareness of your future but not knowing when, how, or even why.

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