Monday, August 8, 2011

When we focus on the negative, our lives reflect that. Let us think and feel positively and rest assure that life will not seem so dismal.

I love to be challenged. I love to learn and I am a bit of a perfectionist. This is a bad combination sometimes from what I have encountered.  As some of you may know I attend school for software engineering, I work full time, I am in the band Tribal Path (currently getting ready for a recording), and I am a husband and father. I cannot spread time my time equally. This has created some problems for which I can only add to the plate that is  already too full. I try to do the best that I can for everything but I find myself growing weary through the days, some more than others, some days I feel like lying in bed doing absolutely nothing except watching TV or playing some games.  My brain is near a meltdown some times. I am not trying to complain, although it may seem like that, I am just want the important people in my life to realize that there is something to all this. It is to secure  a better and brighter future, it is be the person that I want and can be and to make the possibilities to my loved ones come to a reality.  What more can I do?
All that I ask is that the sacrifices that both sides make do not add to that plate. Life is hard enough as it is right now and the more we can enjoy what we have now the brighter life can be.

When we focus on the negative, our lives reflect that. Let us think and feel positively and rest assure that life will not seem so dismal. It is better to start from the bottom, knowing the trials and tribulations for respecting the journey to the top will create a throne for a life time. If you do not, then it is a long and hard some road back down that path.....

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