Wednesday, January 19, 2011

High with a little help from my friends.

I was sitting here wondering what to write about today. I have lots of random strands of thought that flow through my head, but they aren't usually structured enough for a blog. As these fragmented pieces jumble around I started thinking about people I would like to hang out with. Then it hit me, friends! And I mean real friends, not peers or people you occasionally see. But friends you can count on when you really need them.

These friends are more than just friends, they are the ones that will talk with you when you got some real heavy shit on your mind. They are the ones that will stay up late playing video games trying to beat Killer instinct on  5 stars ( and the damn game didn't count a punch when you KNOW you had him down). They are the friends that help you stand up while taking  a piss in the urinal and the bar. They are the ones that when you haven't seen each other for years, can still be hanging out on the couch eating a bowl of cereal and watch Saturday morning cartoons and you don't have to say anything.

Those are the friends we all need, the ones that are more than friends. They like brothers, sisters, fuck family man! Sometimes we get all caught up in the lifestyles we have, work work work and all that random bullshit. Take some time to rewind and hangout with the people you grew up with, the people that actually mean something to you.

I know at the drop of a hat if one of my friends needed me, for whatever reason, I would help them out. Doesn't matter if they needed a ride at 2 in the morning.  We all (including myself) need to just make some time for the things that really matter in life. I am going to make an effort to do that more often, its good for the soul.

I work to live not live to work.


  1. I am proud to count you as one of my friends. Even though we live several states away, I know you are there if I need to talk, or just to celebrate something.

  2. You know it, and thanks for reading! BAM!!!!
