I was sitting there eating tasty salad as my wife prepared hers. She went into the bedroom while I was sitting there in the living room. I turned the T.V. on and the channel was already set to the History Channel. Sometimes there is some interesting stuff and sometimes it could put an insomniac to sleep.
Ancient Aliens, hmm what is this about. Well my curiosity got the best of me and I indulged it with a 2 hr show of this ancient aliens. It went along to discuss how aliens may have contributed to ancient civilization. The Aztecs, Egyptians, and countless other all over the globe influenced by beings from outer space.
Here is the kicker, apparently in their research there is some reference to beings that come from the sky or who look different ( they way we describe aliens today) in the bibles of all religions ( I think most of them anyway). There are also many depictions of weird looking beings on cave walls that have odd shaped bodies and heads very similar to what we describe aliens today. And this is all over the world not just cave drawings but glyphics as well and in Aztec statues.
They also went to discuss about how these structures would have been virtually impossible for them to complete with their tools they had at the time. I am talking about the pyramids, the cities, Stonehenge, and other artifacts that would have been impossible. For a civilization to complete temples that grand??? or walls in other structures to be so well fit together they they do not use any mortar substance, ALL BY HAND???
Things don't add up. How are ancient civilizations supposed to develop these structures (who by today's standards, architects even say is incredibly hard) by hand and man power. I honestly believe that there was assistance by other beings, aliens or whatever, the evidence is there in one way or another.
Some people believe that this is all false and they figured it out one way or another. Well you can't explain it all, how about the structures of an ancient city that was completely composed of dyerite ( I believe) which is almost as hard as diamond. Essentially the tools they would have would have to have diamond tips. That and the engravings are so damn precise, well everything was. Even down to math and also structures what would line up with stars or the pyramids that pinpoint the exact location of where the latitude and longitude lines are at their longest, the center of the world supposedly.
There are just too many things that cannot be explained, and the only conclusion that I can draw is that there was help from something not of this world. What's that you say? Where are the aliens now? Why haven't they returned? WHO KNOWS, and really why? We don't know the reason why these symbolic structures were built or even really how they were built. Lets expand the mind a bit and think outside the box that we are not alone in this universe, to think that is simply absurd. The universe is a rather large area and earth , even our solar system is just a piece of sand in a celestial beach.
Free your mind and the rest will follow.
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